Old photos picked at random | Northern Kentucky News

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Five old Northern Kentucky photos picked at random, Part 2

Construction to straighten scurve in hill on I75 in 1989. The Cut in the Hill was so dangerous that at one time it was called "Death Hill". KY POST photo.

Driving through the I-75 Cut in the Hill, motorists saw bushes in the median between northbound and southbound.

Three lanes back then. KY POST photo.

The Latin Quarter was one of the many nightclubs in Northern Kentucky during and after the "gambling era".

This particular club later became a bingo hall. 10 Licking Pike, Newport. Library Archives.

Bonanza Restaurant next to a freshly-painted railroad bridge in Covington.

Notice in the foreground there were homes nearby at the time this photo was taken in the 1970s. KY Post Photo.

Waitress at a Skyline Chili in Covington waiting on customers. Location and year unknown. KY Post Photo